/home /posts /writeups /files /random

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The Personal Website of Josh Stiebel

Hi! I'm Josh, and welcome to my website! I'm a computer enginnering student at Michigan Technological University, with an interest in cybersecurity. This is where I post my projects, writeups from CTFS, and anything else I think is interesting. Feel free to take a look around. If you need to, can contact me via phone or email: zl cubar ahzore vf gjb sbhe rvtug avar frira bar svir svir frira bar naq zl rznvy vf wufgvror ng zgh qbg rqh

Also, I am currently looking for an internship for this upcoming summer (2023), so if you are looking for an intern, and think I might be a good fit, here is my resume.


user@jhstiebe:~$ fortune | cowsay
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